As a big 'Thank You" to Amazon for helping us find a profitable way to publish our work, we're offering our book, "How To Make Easy Money Selling Your Old Used Books On Amazon" for free from Aug. 29 through Aug. 31, to give back to people who are seeking a proven way to make money working from home selling used books online!
This was the freebie offer me made last year at the end of August 2012, and the results were very good.
As of the second day of the free e-book giveaway) we had about 1,200 people download the free ebook showing them how they could start their own used book business online. On top of this, our e-book moved into the #2 spot in the Free E-books list for Home Businesses among all the great e-books offered on Amazon Kindle.
By the time this promotion ran it's course, nearly 1,900 e-books were downloaded free. For a brief time on Sept. 1st, the free promotions were still being downloaded. I checked with Amazon support and they indicated that promotions don't always end exactly at midnight the the final day of a free book promotion ( like I thought ) and so about 10-12 more e-books were downloaded that showed up in the latest sales report.
As of Sept. 2nd, the e-book ranked at #13 in Homebased Business category and 10 paid sales were showing for the first day of September.
Since then, the book has consistently brought in steady profits. In May 2013 we did a major update and published a revised version. We included the version number and the date of this new update into the actual title in the listing, and I think this helped boost sales as well.
Next month we are participating in Amazon's new "BookMatch" program. When someone buys one of our paperback versions, they'll be able to get the Kindle e-book version for just 99 cents. No it's not free, but it will be a valuable add-on to help buyer have 2 versions.
It will be quite interesting to see how this new program will affect sales of Kindle books for the rest of the year.
I share this info not to brag. It is posted to show how unique freebie sales promotions can often help a self-publisher make more money in the long run. Giving away copies of the book actually helped us gain exposure and good reviews, and this publicity helped attract more sales.
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