New Edition Released "How To Make Easy Money Selling Your Old Used Books On Amazon"

After far too much delay, an updated 4th edition of "How To Make Easy Money Selling Your Old Used Books On Amazon" has been released in the Amazon Kindle Store as an easy to downloand e-book, as well as a paperback version. Includes new how-to tips for selling on Amazon's FBA program (Fulfilled By Amazon). Please share the word to help people needing to make extra money in their spare time. It's still only $2.99 for the e-book and now priced at just $7.99 for the paperback version. Thanks!


  1. Steve love your book! I have a question. Everyone talks about the 1 cent sellers but what about the big ballers as i call them. For instance I listed a book the other day that has a few Very Goods selling for about 50 dollars, I listed mine at 49.95. Then there are two sellers on page 2 who list there very goods at between $500.00 and $755.00 dollars. These sellers have excellent ratings with thousands of positives and 5 stars. I'm guessing they are waiting for there book to be the ONLY one left then hope for a dimwitted person to come along who just HAS TO HAVE that book. I see no other way! Whats your take?

  2. Thank you for your kind words on the book, I hope it has helped you get a fast start in the used book selling business! I just love your term 'big ballers'!!! I follow your strategy, price a nickle below competition and cash in on the book, especially if you picked it up cheap. Re: those sky-high prices, I always scratch my head and wonder what some sellers are smoking. But I guess that they likely don't even have the book in stock, and if they luck out and sell a copy, then they'll buy your copy or a copy from AbeBooks, Alibris, etc., and ship it to the customer. I could be all wrong. Recently I found an old golf instructional paperback in a thrift store for 50 cents and the low price was $48. The next price was over $104, and went up steadily after that. I priced mine at $75. Right away the competitor started dropping his or her price one penny below mine. It's now listed at $59 in my offerings on Amazon Marketplace. Even if it sells for only $10 I'll still make a nice ROI! Thanks for writing and checking out the blog! Yours, Steve
